D . S . B E L C O N

Message from the CEO, Dawayne Belcon:

D.S. Belcon Ltd turns 25 this year. It is an incredible milestone, our 25th anniversary is a celebration of D.S. Belcon’s legacy, its long journey, who we are today, and our exciting future ahead.

Celebrating the Past

My career in the Shipping Industry commenced in 1991, working as an Operations/Boarding Clerk at a local shipping agency. There I was directly involved in boarding/clearing vessels, and supervising the offloading of containers, general cargo, and passengers’ vessels at the ports of Port of Spain and Point Lisas. | worked my way up the corporate ladder, and within 4 years, I was responsible for port operations and the training of Operations/Apprentice Boarding Clerks.

In 1998, I established Mercadoria Worldwide Limited, where I held the title of Founder/CEO. Over the years I successfully managed Mercadoria, nurturing it from a small to medium-sized company, with a focus mainly on the Energy Sector offering Port handling and Immigration Consultant services.

In 2007, I established Mercadoria World-wide Texas in Houston, Texas USA where we offer freight forwarding services and immigration services to companies with expatriates working in Trinidad and Tobago.

In 2015, Mercadoria Worldwide Limited was rebranded and the company’s name was changed to D.S. Belcon Limited, offering the same services. D.S. Belcon Limited’s focus is to make a difference in the shipping and logistics sectors by not only providing efficient and cost-effective services tailored to customers’ needs but also maintaining the highest level of integrity and professionalism.

In 2018, I partnered with two business associates to establish Lall Belcon (Guyana) Inc., focusing mainly on the Energy Sector offering Port Handling, Customs Brokerage, and Immigration Consultant services to primary companies in Guyana’s Oil and Gas Sector.

In 2022, D.S. Belcon (Suriname) NV was established to provide Port Agency and Logistics Services to the Surinamese Oil and Gas Industry.

There are lessons to be learned from the past and I think for D.S. Belcon it comes down to two things. First, dream big! I had big dreams when I started this company. My team and I made our dreams come true by turning them into goals and actionable strategies. What we’ve achieved is far beyond the wildest dreams we had at the beginning of this journey. Second, believe in your dreams passionately, show resilience, fearn from your mistakes, and get back up when you get knocked down: the power of passion and perseverance!

Through organic growth and strategic alliances, we strengthened our business; building a unique customer base in the Energy Triangle. We began with a humble background and now we are a premier service provider to the Oil and Gas industry.

It’s about the People

To our employees: I am grateful for the opportunity to work with talented, dedicated, and passionate people every day. Your commitment to putting our customers first and living our corporate values has been integral to D.S. Belcon’s progress and success.

Thank you for the valuable hard work you put in each day! Your efforts enable us to meet targets and achieve goals. With determination, we will climb from peak to peak.

To our clients: Thank you for trusting us for many years. Without you as a client, we would not be where we are today. We are honoured to have your trust and will work tirelessly to continue to deserve it.

To our partners: To be in business for 25 years, we recognise the importance of establishing collaborative partnerships that bring extraordinary value to both D.S. Belcon Ltd and our clients. We thank our partners for their commitment, expertise, and skills in helping us serve and deliver 25 years of excellence.

Shaping the Future

This year, we are entering a new phase as a premier service provider, offering our fully integrated solutions across the region. We are creating new services, transforming our operations, improving customer experience, and continuing to deliver value to our customers.

As D.S. Belcon celebrates its 25th anniversary, let’s toast our employees, customers, and partners who have helped us along our journey.